Erasmus+ Short-Term PhD Mobility

General Information

If you are interested in a stay under the Erasmus+ Short-Term PhD Mobility funding scheme, please first refer to the International Office of your home university to check whether your university provides funding under this scheme.

Please also visit the relevant website of the International Office of the University of Vienna that provides important general information on Erasmus+ Short term stays.

To apply for an Erasmus+ Short Term fellowship, please contact a member of the VDP's faculty in your field of research.

Once an agreement about a short-term stay and its objectives is reached, send the following documents to our Director of Studies for assessment:

1. A letter of confirmation signed by a mentoring VDP faculty member, specifying the details of your visit.

Click here to download the letter template

2. The Erasmus+ Short Term PhD Mobility form, which must be completed with your personal information and can be downloaded here.

Submit both documents to

The VDP welcomes incoming PhD students for short-term stays (5 to 30 days) under the Erasmus+ programme.

If you have any questions, please contact the VDP coordinator at