When: 16.5.24, 12:00-13:30
Where: HS 3A, Neues Institutsgebäude (Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien)
Trans* Philosophy is one of the most exciting 'new' strands of philosophical theorizing, and we are happy to host the second event on the topic at the Department of Philosophy, to be followed by more later this year.
This time, we will be joined by Alyosxa Tudor, Chair of the Centre for Gender Studies at SOAS London. Their work connects trans and queer feminist approaches with transnational feminism and postcolonial studies. Alyosxa’s main research interest lies in analysing (knowledge productions on) migrations, diasporas and borders in relation to critiques of Eurocentrism and to processes of gendering and racialisation.
Title: Decolonising Trans/Gender Studies?
Abstract: In this talk, I would like to discuss with you what it means to think of trans/gender studies as a field that engages with geopolitics, with transnational knowledge production, with histories of entangled oppressions and resistance movements. With this I try to go beyond what our attackers think trans/gender studies is towards defining what the broader field of trans/gender studies can be. Can it be a field of knowledge generation that aims for decolonisation? How can we make sure that decolonisation is not a metaphor, as Eve Tuck and Wayne Yang remind us? How can we mobilise histories and the theories and epistemologies generated from them in ways that are not reductive, simplistic and incapable of sitting with the complex contradictions that still need responsible and decisive actions in face of present-day injustices? How can we be accountable for our very different structural positions in this quest, in terms of location, postcolonial position, migratisation, queer- and transness, class and racialisation? Often this is contradictory and painful. But it must also be clear that taking a stance is necessary.