We cordially invite you to the fourth installment of the Trans*formations talk series at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna. The talk series provides insights into recent developments in trans* philosophizing.
The next talk, "On the Cass Review: A Philosophy of Science Perspective" will be given by Emelia Stanley, University of Vienna, on March 11, 2025, at 16:30 in HS 2 (NIG).
The Cass Review was a report commissioned by NHS England in 2020 to recommend new practice guidelines in transgender healthcare for children and adolescents, as well as to document problems with the existing gender identity services. Following its release last year, it was cited by both major political parties to justify the wholesale closure of the services, a halt and then ban on the prescription of puberty blockers to under 18s, and the suspension of a pending law to outlaw conversion-therapy. A valuable case study as a piece of scientific research and communication, this presentation examines the scientific Cass Review from a philosophy of science perspective, evaluating its conclusions and methodology with respect to notions of evidential norms, standpoint epistemology, prejudicial attitudes, and the current paradigm for trans* healthcare.
Emelia Stanley is a Philosophy PhD candidate at the University of Vienna. She is pursuing a thesis in the philosophy of logic and mathematics, but writes independently about trans* issues in the UK and abroad from a personal and philosophical perspective.
There will be drinks and snacks kindly provided by the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy (VDP)!
When: March 11, 2025 - 16:30 to 18:15
Where: Lecture Hall 2H, NIG (2nd floor, Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien)
AND ONLINE: univienna.zoom.us/j/69476786960
On The Cass Review (Trans*Formations Series)
Mar 11, 2025 04:30 PM Vienna
Meeting ID 694 7678 6960
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