VDP Alumni

Listed below are a some recent VDP alumni, with information about their doctoral projects and subsequent activities.

NameThesis titleSupervisionDefense Post-PhD placement
Hernan BobadillaSimulating Earthquakes: Explaining and Understanding Natural Phenomena with Highly Idealized ModelsMartin Kusch2021              Marie Skłodowska-Curie “Seal of Excellence” postdoc

Niels de Haan

The Foundations of a Theory of Collective Ethics

Hans Bernhard Schmid


1) Post-doc in the ERC Project 'The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency', University of Vienna

2) Post-doc at the chair for Social and Political Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna

Florian SchmidsbergerZur Erfahrung affektiven Leidens. Phänomenologische Beiträge zur Emotions- und VulnerabilitätstheorieGeorg Stenger2022Psychotherapist; Lecturer at the Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität.
Elisabeth WidmerDie Enstehung des Marburger Linkskantianismus, Anfänge und Entwicklungen, 1865-1919Martin Kusch2022Post-doc in the Project ‘The Kantian Foundations of Democracy’, University of Oslo (funded by The Research Council of Norway)

Franz Altner 

Group Agency, Constitutivism and ResponsibilityHerlinde Pauer-Studer; Hans Bernhard Schmid2022Post-doc for the chair of Practical Philosophy at the ETH in Zürich, working on the philosophy of action applied to group agents
Laura Caroline CromptonWho (...or what) is to decide? What AI influence means for human decisions Mark Coeckelbergh; Hans Bernhard Schmid2022Byte: Bayrische Agentur für Digitales
Henning HellerIntegrating History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The Case of Modern AlgebraGeorg Schiemer2022Scientific Assistant at the Chair of Mathematics Education, University of Bonn

Calling all VDP Alumni!

If you are not currently listed and would like to be, please get in touch at vd.philosophy@univie.ac.at. We would love to add your profile.