Call For Applications

The VDP is currently seeking candidates for 

  • a 12 month completion contract
  • a 6 month completion contract
  • a 6 month (up to) completion fellowship (no contract)


Doctoral schools can provide funding to support their junior researchers (members of the doctoral school) in completing their dissertation project. The aim of these completion contracts and fellowship is to bring dissertation projects to a successful conclusion within the funding period.

Target Group

Highly qualified members of the doctoral school in the final phase of their doctoral research project


  • Application deadline: 15 April 2025
  • Results: Between mid-May and June 
  • Start of the employment: July-September 2025


  • Applications can be sent in English or German.
  • Applicants must be VDP members and must have not received previous funding exclusively for the completion of their PhD projects.
  • Applicants must have successfully passed the public presentation at the Faculty (FÖP), have signed the doctoral thesis agreement and submitted all annual progress reports.
  • Applicants are expected to have an excellent record of Doctoral Studies and have made relevant academic achievements such as publications, conference presentations, organisation of academic events, etc.
  • Applicants are expected to complete and submit their doctoral thesis within the funding period of the completion contract.

How to Apply

Please submit the following documents in a single pdf file and in the order above via email to with "Contract/Fellowship Application" in the subject line. If possible, please create sections in the pdf file. 

Applications that do not meet these formal criteria and incomplete applications will not be considered.  

1. Cover letter (1 page): stating the current status of the dissertation project, the timeline for completion (6 months, 1 year), and a rationale for timely completion of the dissertation within the funding period

2. Supervisor's statement

3. Curriculum Vitae & Study Record (2-3 pages): conference presentations, publications, event organization, breaks and delays in study progress, previous funding, all academic and non-academic employment. Include transcript of records, dissertation agreement, and annual progress reports

4. Report on the status of the dissertation (use this template)

5. Writing sample of the dissertation (e.g., a chapter or a paper in the case of cumulative dissertations)

Equal treatment

Selection Criteria

The main criteria for funding are

  • The feasibility of the project's completion
  • The quality of the project

These criteria are assessed in the following manner:

1. Cover Letter:

The current state of the doctoral thesis project and the timeline for completion: Has the applicant convincingly made clear that their doctoral thesis can be completed within the funding period? 

2. Statement from the supervisor(s):

Does the supervisor(s) fully support the application? Does the supervisor(s) justify that the thesis can be completed within the funding period?

3. CV & Study Record:

Has the candidate continuously made progress during their doctoral studies and made first academic achievements, such as conference presentations or publications? The VDP’s commitment to equal opportunities also means that the jury takes into account breaks or delays in the applicant’s study progress (e. g., due to parental leave, long-term or chronic illness or caring responsibilities).

4. Report on the Status of the Dissertation: Does the report correspond to an advanced dissertation project?

5. Writing Sample:

Does the writing sample exhibit clarity, coherence, engagement with sources, and originality? The presentation of arguments should be clear, and the depth and relevance of the argument should be evident.

For each advertised kind of position (12-month contract, 6 months contract, fellowship), the jury will create a shortlist of candidates that merits the position. Candidates will be offered the positions in the order of the shortlist.

Questions related to this call must be sent to