

Doctoral studies in philosophy at the University of Vienna also include a training component in the form of doctoral seminars, participation in conferences, organisation of events, summer schools, and teaching in the amount of 24 ECTS points.

  • It is important that the coursework supports the research project and is relevant to the doctoral project as a whole.
    • The distribution of the 24 ECTs is decided by you and your supervisor in the Doctoral Thesis Agreement, which is approved by the Director of Studies. For more information about ECTs and recognition of examination and activities, click here
  • Students can enroll in doctoral seminars from the beginning of their studies, e.g. to prepare their Exposé and Public Presentation.
    • Doctoral seminars are designed to broaden philosophical expertise, develop transferable skills, and provide and receive expert and peer feedback on written work.

Information about the curriculum, including how to register for colloquia, is available here. Scroll down to '43 - Doctoral Program in Philosophy and Education' and select '43.01 Philosophy'. Click on any of the courses listed for full details.