Research Proposal (Exposé) and Public Presentation at the Faculty (FÖP)

Research Proposal

Within the first year of doctoral study, researchers should (among other things) prepare a written research proposal/exposé, which will be the base for a public presentation at the department. The purpose of the proposal is to give a good impression of the research to be expected, determine the goals, lend the project some context, and provide a roadmap for its successful and timely completion.

General information is available at

Modalities of Research Proposals in Philosophy

Decide which type of exposé is most appropriate for you and your project, taking into account the advice of your supervisor.


Modality 1

Submit a long research proposal (approximately 3,000-5,000 words) that includes the following information

  • description of the topic of the doctoral thesis project including a clear research question
  • outline of the state of research
  • illustration of the chosen research methods
  • relevant literature
  • choice of supervisors
  • time and work schedule, possibly financial budget and overview of resources

Modality 2

Submit a short research proposal (approximately 1,000 words) that includes a condensed form of the information listed in modality 1 and a piece of research (no longer than 5,000 words) which must

  • be a self-contained piece of academic research written during the first year of studies
  • be thematically related to the research proposal
  • illustrate the kind of work to be conducted in the research phase of the PhD.

Public Presentation at the Faculty

Before the end of the first year, a doctoral researcher must give a public presentation based on the research proposal: the so-called FÖP (Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation). In some cases, the timeframe may vary (e.g. for part-time/self-funded researchers).

  1. The FÖP allows the Director of Doctoral Studies to approve the continuation of your doctoral studies for the next three years.
  2. The FÖP is an opportunity to present your research projects to other members of the department, receive feedback, and engage in constructive discussion of key aspects. 

It is recommended that doctoral researchers work closely with their supervisors/ thesis advisory committees to prepare and practice for the public presentation. 

Upcoming Faculty Presentations

Formal requirements of public presentations

  • Max. 10 minutes of presentation
  • 20 minutes discussion/questions
  • Presentations can be in English or German

Further information, including details of how to register and advice on how to prepare, is available at the following links:


  • Attend at least one FÖP session before you present. Find the calendar by clicking here.
  • Practice for the FÖP by presenting at the Work-In-Progress Seminar.
  • Attend doctoral seminars to prepare your exposé and public presentation